By 24 March 2016 | Categories: news


For fans of the 90s classic demon first-person shooter DOOM, 13 May could not get here any quicker. That's when the remake of the game hits retailers, with PS4, Xbox One and Windows PC getting in on the action. For those gamers not taking part in the closed beta later this month (31 March to 3 April), developers Bethesda has detailed the different multiplayer modes on offer. 

There are six modes in total, with far more ways to kill and die, according to Bethesda. For a deeper dive into three of the modes you’ll be playing when DOOM is released, check out the video below.

Here’s a rundown of the six modes available at launch.

Soul Harvest

Soul Harvest is similar to Team Deathmatch, but instead of racking up points with every kill, players need to collect the souls of their fallen foes. Each soul will remain in the world for a limited time. These souls can be scooped up by anyone on either team. The catch? Only the opposing team earns points for grabbing a soul – but the teammates of the vanquished can play spoiler by seizing an ally’s soul to prevent their foes from gaining a soul point.

Freeze Tag

Freeze Tag plays out a lot like the real-world equivalent (minus the heavy weaponry and hellish backdrop). Rather than killing your foes, opponents are instead frozen in place, immobilised in a block of ice. Teammates can thaw their allies by standing nearby for a set amount of time. Players frozen within blocks of ice will slide around if they’re shot or otherwise jostled. If you find a frozen ally near a deadly hazard, for example, you can try to knock your teammate into the hazard so they'll be destroyed. 


King of the Hill gets even crazier in Warpath, as a single capture point moves around the map along a set (and clearly marked) pathway. Added to this, a demon rune marches along in lockstep but on the opposite side of the path. This combo of moving capture point and demon rune is what makes Warpath interesting, says Bethesda. At any point players need to make a whole bunch of choices.  


Domination includes up to three static capture points that are spread out across a map. Players spawn on different sides of the map, and can control the capture points by clearing out any enemies and standing within the designated zone. Points are earned based on how long you control a capture point. During a match, a demon rune will spawn randomly throughout the arena, and its appearance on the map will be announced to all players, giving everyone a chance to race for the rune. 

Team Deathmatch

One of the two purest takes on classic modes in DOOM multiplayer, Team Deathmatch pits two teams against each other in a straight-up kill-fest. Players can choose their loadouts, customise their marine and become the demon if they grab the rune while it’s in play. It's important to note though that demon kills are scored the same as regular kills. 

Clan Arena

The other pure take on a classic mode, Clan Arena is a game of elimination: the last team standing wins. All pick-ups are removed from the map, and players won’t be able to restore their health or armour. Once you’re dead, you’re dead – no respawning. And demons aren’t available during this mode. Victory is earned by the team that fully eliminates all its foes or by the team with the most remaining players when time runs out.

Hit play on the multiplayer map and gameplay videos below to see why there’s such a buzz about the new DOOM. 


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