Don Cheadle tries to channel Miles Davis in new biopic trailer
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 5 February 2016 | Categories: news
Biopics are one of the trickier genres to tackle, primarily since if your main character can't get it right, the film can easily fall flat. A new addition to the biopic ranks is Miles Ahead, a film that deals with jazz enigma and improvisational wizard Miles Davis. The man to step up to this rather daunting challenge is Don Cheadle (Hotel Rwanda, Iron-Man 2), not only taking on the lead role but also handling things behind the camera. Now the first trailer for Miles Ahead has landed online, with the film's theatrical release dated for 1 April 2016 (UK).
Joining Cheadle is Ewan McGregor (Trainspotting, Star Wars) as Rolling Stone journalist Dave Brill. He covers the jazz musician as he wrestles with studio execs over the rights for his upcoming album.
While Davis was a complex man that had to fight a lot of demons, none the least a bad addiction to heroin, Cheadle certainly has the acting chops to pull him off. Whether or not he can prove as deft in the director's chair is another matter entirely, having directed no full length features in the past.
Hit play on the trailer below and see whether or not Miles Ahead is one to bookmark, or if it will leave you Kind of Blue.
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