By 19 March 2018 | Categories: News


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Perhaps one of the most popular animated series in the past couple of years, Rick and Morty has reached cult status. So much so that it's most recent season only got made because fans petitioned its creators to speed up the production process, add to that the whole McDonald's Szechuan Sauce frenzy and the show has almost taken on a life of its own. 

As for season four of the series, Rick and Morty creator Dan Harmon (Community) responded to an unhappy user on Twitter, noting that the fourth season has not been penned as they have not received an order for it from their network. 

This could prove quite worrisome for fans, as a lack of funds from the network means there is no real incentive for the producers of the show to get things going on season four.  

Whether or not Harmon will make a separate episode, like they did for April Fool's Day last year, in order to tide fans over remains to be seen. Until a further update is forthcoming, we only have binge rewatchings to look forward to, as well as a music video from Run The Jewels featuring Rick and Morty. 

Hit play on the video (contains NSFW content) and get your fix. 


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