Aruba Atmosphere 2016: Benefits of mobile workforce environment quantified

By Ryan Noik 10 June 2016

Aruba Networks highlighted a global study which broke down in detail the benefits of properly executed mobile strategies. FULL STORY >


Aruba Atmosphere 2016: Interview with Chris Kozup

By Ryan Noik 10 June 2016

Amongst the highlights of Aruba’s Atmosphere 2016 conference held in Algarve, Portugal, was the chance to sit down with Chris Kozup, the vice president of marketing, for an illuminating interview about innovation, disruption and the... FULL STORY >


HR Tech: The key to workplace transformation

By Press Release 9 June 2016

Never before has human resources been more important to the success of a business than now. Sage HR & Payroll MD, Sandra Swanepoel identifies key themes to look out for in the ever evolving HR space. FULL STORY >


SpaceX wants to relaunch one of its older rockets later this year

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 8 June 2016

With four old rockers lying in its hangar, Elon Musk says SpaceX will try to relaunch one in either September or October this year. FULL STORY >


Atmosphere 2016: Interview with Dominic Orr

By Ryan Noik 6 June 2016

While Dominic Orr, the president of Aruba Networks had much of interest to say during his keynote address at Aruba Network’s Atmosphere 2016 conference, it quickly became apparent during a one on one interview that his breadth of knowledge and... FULL STORY >


PaySpace launches new website and dedicated channel for industry and product tutorials

By Press Release 6 June 2016

PaySpace, has gone live with their new look website which accompanies the first two videos of its ongoing ‘PaySpace Tutorial and Thought Leadership’ series. FULL STORY >


Aruba Atmosphere 2016: Unpacking the Products

By Ryan Noik 2 June 2016

Continuing from the first day overview of the Aruba Atmosphere 2016 conference, beyond the lofty exploration of the ramifications of a digital workforce, attention then turned to more pragmatic means of how a fully mobile, connected and... FULL STORY >


Aruba Networks paints a new picture of working in the 21st century

By Ryan Noik 2 June 2016

An abundance of news, insightful interviews, a revealing roundtable, a particularly notable product demonstration and even a few predictions about the future were the highlights of Aruba Networks’ Atmosphere event. FULL STORY >


Facebook believes new DeepText AI has near-human accuracy

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 2 June 2016

Facebook introduces its new DeepText AI platform, to better help users via its deep learning ability and near-human accuracy. FULL STORY >


Acer previews a number of devices with a full reveal dated for Computex

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 27 May 2016

Acer unveils a new portfolio of devices ahead of next week's Computex 2016. FULL STORY >


Facebook altering makeup of Trending Topics amid censorship reports

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 24 May 2016

Although not admitting to censoring stories in its Trending Topics feed, Facebook will introduce a number of changes to make the feed less bias in its news coverage. FULL STORY >


Understanding the emotions of the workplace

By Press Release 13 May 2016

Humans like to say they make rational decisions, but in reality they are driven by emotions, which people post- rationalise when explaining their choices to others. This after-the-fact storytelling has led management to attribute a series of... FULL STORY >


Instagram introduces new logo and streamlines look of UI

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 12 May 2016

The popular social media platform has just gone through a redesign, as Instagram introduces a new logo and UI. FULL STORY >


Facebook addresses reports that they censored trending topics

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 May 2016

Following allegations in a Gizmodo report yesterday, Facebook has addressed reports that the company actively suppressed conservative news stories in its trending section. FULL STORY >


LinkedIn reportedly working on Facebook-esque Instant Articles

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 6 May 2016

With sources close to the matter, BuzzFeed News is reporting that LinkedIn has been talking to publishers about creating its own Instant Articles feature like Facebook. FULL STORY >

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