Call of Duty borrowing Hollywood voice talent

By Johan Keyter 7 September 2010

The upcoming Call of Duty Black Ops already has an Eminem video, and now they're expanding with some added Hollywood voice talent. FULL STORY >


Steam software survey results released

By Johan Keyter 24 August 2010

Steam has released its first batch of software survey results, gained from scanning thousands of Steam users PC's to determine which software is most popular. FULL STORY >


Logitech MK710

By Johan Keyter 19 August 2010

The Logitech MK710 wireless desktop features easy to use plug and play wireless capabilities as well as one of the most comfortable peripheral experiences today. FULL STORY >


Call of Duty Black Ops gears up for the battlefield

By Johan Keyter 16 August 2010

The upcoming Call of Duty Black Ops will feature some nifty gadgets bundled with the collector's edition of the game. FULL STORY >


Logitech unveils new wireless peripheral combo

By Johan Keyter 13 August 2010

Logitech announces the release of a sleek new wireless mouse and keyboard combo. FULL STORY >


Interview with the man behind the Sci-Fi Movie Page

By Hanleigh Daniels 12 August 2010

We catch up with James O'Ehley, the South African who started the widely popular SciFi Movie Page FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up -Guillermo del Toro making games

By Hanleigh Daniels 30 July 2010

This week in the Gaming News Round-up: Film director Guillermo del Toro working on a video game, while Capcom wants to speed up game development and Disney looks to become a player in the social gaming scene. FULL STORY >


Rock Band 3 release date confirmed

By Tom Manners 20 July 2010

Harmonix newest iteration of the Rock Band platform will ship in October. FULL STORY >


Make money on YouTube

By Tom Manners 16 July 2010

South African YouTube users can now generate revenue by hosting advertisements on their videos. FULL STORY >


How to make a Matrix themed keyboard

By MJ Stephenson 9 July 2010

Remember the beat-up looking keyboards in The Matrix? Let's combine it with the green and black theme used in the movie via some LED lights. FULL STORY >


Guide to Call of Duty Black Ops

By Tom Manners 4 June 2010

What we know so far about Activisions upcoming release. FULL STORY >


Accenture consumer survey

By Hanleigh Daniels 7 April 2010

The 2010 Accenture Consumer Electronic Products and Service Usage survey has found that consumers in developing markets are far more interested in mobile tech than customers in developed countries. FULL STORY >


Logitech Wireless Desktop MK710

By Hanleigh Daniels 11 February 2010

Logitech will bring a wireless keyboard and mouse combo to the country in April that only requires a change of batteries every 36 months. FULL STORY >


Microsoft SideWinder X4 keyboard coming in March

By Hanleigh Daniels 4 February 2010

The SideWinder X4 keyboard from Microsoft will have gamers upping their kill rate with anti-ghosting technology and automatic macro repetition. FULL STORY >


TinEye Reverse Search

By Mike Joubert 5 October 2009

While Reverse Image Search might sound a little silly, it isnt. Searching for images using images just makes sense. FULL STORY >

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