Winter is coming, but a Games of Thrones movie is not
By Ryan Noik 1 October 2015Bad news Games of Thrones fans, rumours of a big screen movie being in the works have been slain by George R.R. Martin himself. FULL STORY >

Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection demo now available
By Ryan Noik 30 September 2015If like us, you are chomping at the bit for Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, which is arriving in a week’s time, then here’s something to whet your appetite. The demo for the game is now available on the PlayStation Store. FULL STORY >

Oculus and Epic showcases potential of VR controllers with Bullet Train demo
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 25 September 2015Back in June, Oculus debuted its new VR headset and controllers. Now they have teamed up with Epic to showcase the gaming potential of its VR controllers. FULL STORY >

Gears of War Ultimate Edition
By Ryan Noik 22 September 2015Gears of War Ultimate Edition on the Xbox One conjures all the fond memories of the original, but does so with much better textures and a smoother frame rate. FULL STORY >

Shenmue creator launches another Kickstarter campaign
By Ryan Noik 18 September 2015The creator of Shenmue has taken to Kickstarter yet again to try raise enough cash to make another Shenmue game. FULL STORY >

Destiny: The Taken King seems to have changed the game’s fate
By Ryan Noik 18 September 2015Destiny's latest DLC, The Taken King, has apparently seen it breaking PlayStation’s download records, according to Activision FULL STORY >

Dishonored 2 setting detailed
By Ryan Noik 18 September 2015New details for Dishonored 2, due next year, have emerged. FULL STORY >

With no release date yet, Persona 5 offers respite with new trailer
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 18 September 2015Sadly for Persona 5 fans, the eager wait for the game's release continues. In the interim however, a new trailer has been unveiled at the Tokyo Games Show. FULL STORY >

PlayStation announces Gravity Rush 2 and Gravity Rush Remastered for the PS4
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 16 September 2015A game familiar to most PS Vita users, PlayStation has announced a remastered version, and the new Gravity Rush 2, both making their way to the PS4. FULL STORY >

Mobile Games worth your time – Adventure Beaks
By Ryan Noik 14 September 2015If you love or even just like penguins (and really, how can’t you?), enjoy puzzle platformers and are a somewhat obsessive compulsive collector then Adventure Beaks is a game that will waddle its way into your heart. FULL STORY >

Dragon Age: Inquisition still has some treats in store
By Ryan Noik 11 September 2015The last of the Dragon Age: Inquisition (review) single player DLC may have been done and dusted with the release of the Trespasser DLC, but that doesn’t mean the developers are ready to completely turn their attention away from the game... FULL STORY >

PS4 exclusive Hardware: Rivals announced
By Ryan Noik 11 September 2015Yet another exclusive to motor its way onto the PS4 has been announced, but this time it’s a vehicle on vehicle combat game called Hardware: Rivals. FULL STORY >

New video series for Fallout 4 launches
By Ryan Noik 11 September 2015Ramping up the anticipation for Fallout 4 is the first of the Vault-Tec educational videos on players’ S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes. FULL STORY >

New SOMA trailer shows off creatures
By Ryan Noik 11 September 2015If frightening creatures rock your boat, then take a look at the newest trailer for SOMA to debut. FULL STORY >

Star Wars: Uprising first impressions
By Ryan Noik 10 September 2015The Star Wars: Uprising mobile RPG is here, but is The Force strong enough with it to make it worth your time? FULL STORY >
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