WhatsApp is set to make subscriptions free and remove ads

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 19 January 2016

After introduced paid subscriptions for WhatsApp a few years ago, the company has decided to scrap them altogether, along with ads. FULL STORY >


Big Data – a crucial enabler for world-class public transportation

By Press Release 18 January 2016

South Africa faces some unique challenges when it comes to public transport. The reality is that public transport – in general – hasn’t yet capitalised on the opportunities presented by new technology advancements. FULL STORY >


Beer Review: Agar's Brewery Tomahawk IPA

By Staff Writer 14 January 2016

It was with much excitement that I asked the brewer, Michael Agar, to pour me a pint of the Tomahawk IPA when he unveiled the first kegs at the Craft Fair in Joburg held in November. FULL STORY >


PC shipments suffer major decline in Q4 2015, but outlook positive for 2016

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 13 January 2016

As expected by many forecasters, PC shipments fell in Q4 2015. The margin varied between 8% and 10%. That said, the IDC anticipates Windows 10 to push sales in 2016. FULL STORY >


To give its army added edge, DARPA is working on unjammable chip

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 13 January 2016

In an effort to give the US military a communication advantage, DARPA is currently developing an unjammable chip to combat the use of electronic warfare. FULL STORY >


Top Five Flagship Smartphones of 2015

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 18 December 2015

Much like thoroughbred horses, these flagship smartphones are prized for their power, performance and looks. But which one crossed the finish line first? Here are the Top 5 that graced our review desk. FULL STORY >


Rii mini i8 wireless keyboard

By Ryan Noik 15 December 2015

While keyboards on the whole come in a variety of sizes and hefts, they tend to usually be at least as large as a notebook’s base. Thus it’s refreshing to see something completely different – a keyboard that has been designed to sit snugly in your hands. FULL STORY >


Xbox One Wireless Elite controller

By Ryan Noik 9 December 2015

The Xbox One Wireless Elite controller is slated as a premium controller, and certainly has no qualms about proving it. FULL STORY >


From jobless to employed: CapaCiTi’s top tech talent pipeline launches over 500 tech professionals into top jobs

By Press Release 9 December 2015

The CapaCiTi programme has made significant progress in equipping South Africa's youth with skills demanded by rapidly growing tech-enabled sectors FULL STORY >


Fanning the embers of innovation & entrepreneurship in South Africa

By Staff Writer 8 December 2015

Philips South Africa has announced the hearScreen mHealth solution as the first winner of its South African Innovation Fellows Competition. FULL STORY >


Philips highlights the future of healthcare & lighting technology at the Innovation Experience 2015

By Staff Writer 3 December 2015

At the Philips Africa Innovation Experience 2015, JJ van Dongen, CEO of Philips Africa highlighted some of the key innovative technologies created by Royal Philips over the last year. FULL STORY >


Wikipedia's new AI software, ORES, can immediately detect ‘damaging edits’

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 2 December 2015

Wikipedia has unveiled its new AI software, Objective Revision Evaluation Service, which can immediately weed out any troll-like revisions for Wikipedia posts. FULL STORY >


New shaver tech from Philips helps sensitive skin

By Staff Writer 2 December 2015

With Movember now officially something of the past, Philips’ latest Series 5000 and 7000 shavers come at a most opportune time. There is much to be said about the benefits of electric shavers, with the Philips Series 7000 adding to the list... FULL STORY >


The innovative lighting solutions of tomorrow

By Staff Writer 1 December 2015

Just like the ICT sector, lighting too is being influenced by technology trends like social, mobility, analytics and cloud computing. Thierry Boulanger, CEO of Philips Lighting Africa, discusses. FULL STORY >


Canon Series: Pro Tip - Simon McDonnell

By Staff Writer 26 November 2015

After pressing pro photographer Simon McDonnell about his favourite lens and the new gear he recently acquired, we asked him for a photographic tip that is perhaps not commonly talked about. FULL STORY >

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