Canon Series: Top Tip – Andy Lund

By Staff Writer 23 October 2015

Professional photographer, Andy Lund has shot many people and places in his lifetime. We tracked him down to ask for an NB piece of advice to offer fellow photographers. FULL STORY >


Trend Micro acquires HP TippingPoint establishing game-changing

By Press Release 22 October 2015

Trend Micro International signed a definitive agreement to acquire HP TippingPoint, a leading provider of next-generation intrusion prevention systems (NGIPS) and related network security solutions FULL STORY >


Analytics gives banking a competitive edge

By Press Release 22 October 2015

Differentiation and creating a competitive edge are critical to the success in today’s fast-paced, highly consumerised environment. FULL STORY >


YouTube Red ad-free paid subscription goes live 28 October, costs $10 per month and up

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 22 October 2015

An ad-free paid subscription from YouTube has been a long time coming, and now YouTube Red is set to go live on 28 October with subscriptions costing $10 per month and up. FULL STORY >


Galaxy S7 rumoured to sport Samsung version of 3D Touch

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 20 October 2015

With the Apple iPhone 6s unveiled only a few short weeks ago, a Samsung patent has been found, with the company's own version of 3D Touch. Let the trolling begin. FULL STORY >


Labour Force addresses complex job costing needs with a solution from Sage VIP

By Press Release 16 October 2015

Labour Force SA - a fast-growing provider of outsourced staffing, industrial relations and payroll services - has implemented the People Payroll & HRIS solution from Sage VIP, a division of Sage HR & Payroll to take... FULL STORY >


Trust, credibility and respect are the fundamentals of Result-Oriented Leadership

By Press Release 16 October 2015

Lack of trust appears to be a growing problem throughout the workforce today. Unfortunately, effective leadership is nearly impossible without trust FULL STORY >


Canon Series: Essential Equipment – Grant Atkinson

By Staff Writer 16 October 2015

In the final part of his participation in our Canon Series, we asked wildlife photographer, Grant Atkinson to identify that one NB piece of gear that never leaves his camera bag. FULL STORY >


YouTube Gaming's new update brings mobile livestreaming & paid subscriptions

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 16 October 2015

Designed to be a Twitch rival when it debuted seven weeks ago, YouTube Gaming's new update has mobile livestreaming and paid subscriptions, ramping up competition with Twitch. FULL STORY >


Bandai Namco releases new multiplayer stills for Dark Souls 3

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 16 October 2015

With details of its multiplayer mode still a little murky, Bandai Namco has released a number of screenshots of Dark Souls 3. No word on whether a two-person approach will make game any less brutal. FULL STORY >


Jason is back, in announcement trailer for Friday the 13th: The Game

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 14 October 2015

Jason Voorhees is back, and he's using Kickstarter. Developers Gun Media, are working on a Friday the 13th game that takes us back to Camp Crystal Lake. FULL STORY >


Canon Series: Top Tip – Grant Atkinson

By Staff Writer 9 October 2015

As a photo trip leader and one of the top wildlife photographers in the country, Grant Atkinson has spent many hours behind the shutter honing his skills. We asked him to share some tips for fellow photographers. FULL STORY >


Philips aims to empower South Africans to unearth next big health innovation

By Staff Writer 8 October 2015

Philips Africa today detailed the findings of its recently conducted Innovation Survey, as well as the five finalists of its Innovation Fellows Competition. FULL STORY >


Canon Series: Essential Equipment - Mark Mansfield

By Staff Writer 7 October 2015

After hearing about the new equipment that he has tried out, we asked aviation photographer, Mark Mansfield if there is a piece of gear that simply never leaves his camera bag. FULL STORY >


Huawei P8

By Mike Joubert 6 October 2015

With the P8 Huawei has upped its game and crafted a phone worthy of flagship status. FULL STORY >

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