Production teaser for Star Wars Episode VIII gets released

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 16 February 2016

After announcing that principle photography on Star Wars Episode VIII began last week, Lucasfilm has debuted a very short teaser clip for the film. FULL STORY >


Star Wars: Episode VIII has begun principle photography

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 11 February 2016

With its cinema-slated release date still a year away, principle filming by new director Rian Johnson has begun on Star Wars: Episode VIII. FULL STORY >


Open beta for Tom Clancy's The Division arriving next week

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 February 2016

As Ubisoft readies The Division for release next month, those eager to experience the gameplay a little bit earlier will be happy to know that an open beta lands next week. FULL STORY >


Seven tips for safer internet usage - Stalker Hutchison Admiral

By Staff Writer 8 February 2016

In light of Safer Internet Day celebrated on the 9th of February 2016, consumers are urged to practice safer internet habits to avoid falling victim to cyberattacks that could lead to great financial losses and emotional stress. FULL STORY >


Haxposure: an emerging threat with important implications

By Staff Writer 4 February 2016

This combination of criminal data theft via hacking and public exposure of internal secrets represents an emerging threat, which ESET has dubbed haxposure. FULL STORY >


CGI effects for Star Wars: The Force Awakens broken down in new clip

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 25 January 2016

While The Force Awakens impressed with its practical effects, there were plenty of CGI elements in the film. IAMAG breaks down how the effects got done. FULL STORY >


Star Wars: Episode VIII's release date pushed back to 15 December 2017

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 21 January 2016

While The Force Awakens continues to dominate box offices worldwide, Lucasfilm and Disney has announced that the sequel, Ep. VIII, will change its release date to 15 Dec 2017. FULL STORY >


Far Cry Primal's King of the Stone Age trailer showcases Takkar and his tribe

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 21 January 2016

A new trailer for Far Cry Primal debuts, in which the lead character Takkar must do everything in his power to save his tribe from extinction. FULL STORY >


Jack the Ripper coming to the London streets of Assassin's Creed Syndicate

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 11 December 2015

As infamous a serial killer as there ever was, Jack the Ripper will now be a DLC for Assassin's Creed Syndicate come 15 December. FULL STORY >


Rayman Adventures leaps onto app store

By Ryan Noik 4 December 2015

The next entry in the Rayman endless runner/adventure games for mobile from Ubisoft has, at long last, arrived. FULL STORY >


Ubisoft goes through nine minutes of Far Cry Primal gameplay

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 4 December 2015

They might not speak English in the prehistoric land of Far Cry Primal's Oros, but you can tame predators and bend them to your will in the latest gameplay video for the Ubisoft title. FULL STORY >


Star Wars: The Force Awakens has amassed $50 million in ticket sales to date

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 20 November 2015

With its highly anticipated debut less than a month away, Star Wars: The Force Awakens has already raked in $50 million in ticket sales in the US alone. FULL STORY >


Entertainment Weekly releases new Star Wars: The Force Awakens images

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 13 November 2015

New images unveiled by Entertainment Weekly show Poe and Finn interact, as well as Rey joining the snow forest lightsaber battle. Could she end up helping Finn fight Rylo Ken? FULL STORY >


Assassin’s Creed Syndicate gets a launch trailer

By Ryan Noik 23 October 2015

The newest launch trailer for Assassin’s Creed Syndicate is here, and the themes it touches on are eerily relevant. FULL STORY >


All Force Awakens trailers combined into one

By Staff Writer 23 October 2015

If you can do with a bit more Star Wars for the day, the clever clogs over at YouTube channel SreenSlam has combined all footage released so far for one epic trailer. FULL STORY >

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