Rise of the Tomb Raider developer details microtransactions

By Ryan Noik 9 October 2015

Whether you consider microtransactions a smart way to expand gameplay, or more like the virtual equivalent of a fungal infection, Rise of the Tomb Raider will have them. FULL STORY >


Fallout 4 install size revealed

By Ryan Noik 9 October 2015

Bethesda has confirmed that Fallout 4 will lay claim to 28 GB to 35 GB worth of space on PS4 and Xbox One. FULL STORY >


Biggest The Witcher 3 patch released to date

By Ryan Noik 9 October 2015

If you are playing The Witcher 3, then brace yourself, because the latest patch (1.10) has been released and it’s sizeable. FULL STORY >


Just Cause 3’s world the biggest yet

By Ryan Noik 2 October 2015

A new developer diary from the Just Cause 3 team takes a look at Medici, the game's setting, and just how large the open world title is going to be. FULL STORY >


Back to the Future is being brought back to the present

By Ryan Noik 2 October 2015

Telltale Games has confirmed that it will be bringing its adventure game series Back to the Future back for a re-release, this time on the PS4, Xbox One as well as the Xbox 360. FULL STORY >


PlayStation Plus free games for October confirmed

By Ryan Noik 2 October 2015

The newest batch of incoming free games for PS Plus subscribers for October have been confirmed, and they are certainly a motley crew. FULL STORY >


Survival horror game Syndrome announced

By Ryan Noik 2 October 2015

A new sci-fi survival horror title, Syndrome, has been announced and given the trailer treatment, setting its sights on scaring you out of your seat in 2016. FULL STORY >


Alien: Isolation sequel in jeopardy

By Ryan Noik 2 October 2015

While Alien: Isolation was a terrific game, apparently the title didn’t do well enough to make a sequel to it a sure bet. FULL STORY >


Another Rise of the Tomb Raider trailer surfaces

By Ryan Noik 2 October 2015

Yet more news and a new trailer for the forthcoming Rise of the Tomb Raider have come to light. FULL STORY >


Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection demo now available

By Ryan Noik 30 September 2015

If like us, you are chomping at the bit for Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, which is arriving in a week’s time, then here’s something to whet your appetite. The demo for the game is now available on the PlayStation Store. FULL STORY >


Hello Halo 5, Goodbye Master Chief

By Ryan Noik 28 September 2015

A new TV ad indicate that an icon of gaming, the Master Chief, may have met his demise ahead of Halo 5's launch next month. FULL STORY >


Shenmue creator launches another Kickstarter campaign

By Ryan Noik 18 September 2015

The creator of Shenmue has taken to Kickstarter yet again to try raise enough cash to make another Shenmue game. FULL STORY >


Destiny: The Taken King seems to have changed the game’s fate

By Ryan Noik 18 September 2015

Destiny's latest DLC, The Taken King, has apparently seen it breaking PlayStation’s download records, according to Activision FULL STORY >


The Witness trailer revealed

By Ryan Noik 18 September 2015

The Witness has been announced for release on the PS4 in January, bringing an impressive new trailer to whet players' appetite. FULL STORY >


Dishonored 2 setting detailed

By Ryan Noik 18 September 2015

New details for Dishonored 2, due next year, have emerged. FULL STORY >

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