Press Play fans vote for Knoxville
By Ryan Noik 11 September 2015Project Knoxville, a third person multiplayer action survival game has pipped the other contenders to the post, as Press Play announced that it survived the voting process and will be developed. FULL STORY >

Dragon Age: Inquisition still has some treats in store
By Ryan Noik 11 September 2015The last of the Dragon Age: Inquisition (review) single player DLC may have been done and dusted with the release of the Trespasser DLC, but that doesn’t mean the developers are ready to completely turn their attention away from the game... FULL STORY >

PS4 exclusive Hardware: Rivals announced
By Ryan Noik 11 September 2015Yet another exclusive to motor its way onto the PS4 has been announced, but this time it’s a vehicle on vehicle combat game called Hardware: Rivals. FULL STORY >

New video series for Fallout 4 launches
By Ryan Noik 11 September 2015Ramping up the anticipation for Fallout 4 is the first of the Vault-Tec educational videos on players’ S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes. FULL STORY >

New SOMA trailer shows off creatures
By Ryan Noik 11 September 2015If frightening creatures rock your boat, then take a look at the newest trailer for SOMA to debut. FULL STORY >

Two new Mega Packs announced for PS Vita
By Ryan Noik 21 August 2015One of our favourite, underrated portable consoles is receiving some love, as two new mega packs have been announced for the PS Vita. FULL STORY >

Press Play calls on players to decide which games they develop
By Ryan Noik 19 August 2015A studio owned by Microsoft, Press Play, has made player participation a priority by calling on players to vote for which of three games it will develop next. FULL STORY >

New trailer for Nathan Drake Collection debuts
By Ryan Noik 18 August 2015A new trailer for the Nathan Drake Collection has been unveiled. FULL STORY >

Dying Light expansion receives new details
By Ryan Noik 14 August 2015The newest expansion for Dying Light, The Following, has been detailed and brings a new trailer to tempt. FULL STORY >

PS Plus Vote to Play games announced
By Ryan Noik 12 August 2015Three alluring games have been announced as the candidates for the PS Plus Vote to Play options for September. FULL STORY >

New Rise of the Tomb Raider gameplay trailer is a treasure
By Ryan Noik 11 August 2015Yet another new Rise of the Tomb Raider trailer has been unveiled; this one focuses on Lara actually exploring a proper tomb. FULL STORY >

Until Dawn’s butterfly effect mechanic explained
By Ryan Noik 7 August 2015An enticing explains how the butterfly effect dynamic affects your experience in the forthcoming Until Dawn. FULL STORY >

Lara Croft GO dated
By Ryan Noik 7 August 2015Square Enix, fresh off announcing a iOS version of the much beloved Final Fantasy VII, has also confirmed that Lara Croft GO will be releasing later this month. FULL STORY >

New DLC for Dragon Age: Inquisition ahead
By Ryan Noik 7 August 2015The newest piece of DLC for Dragon Age: Inquisition, The Descent, is swooping in quite suddenly, much like a dragon you never see coming until it has already begun frying you to a toasty crisp. FULL STORY >

Lara shows off her prowess in latest Rise of the Tomb Raider footage
By Ryan Noik 6 August 2015In the latest footage to come from Microsoft and Crystal Dynamics, Lara is, to put a word or two to it, an absolute badass. FULL STORY >
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