Google News gets streamlined redesign

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 28 June 2017

Google gives its desktop News platform a redesign, with a cleaner UI and greater customisation. FULL STORY >


Digital Journalism for Africa initiative gets support from Google

By Staff Writer 8 June 2017

Google has announced its support for a Digital Journalism initiative that will see 6000 African journalists trained in data journalism skills by the end of February 2018 FULL STORY >


Anew – The Distant Light game gets Kickstarter go ahead

By Ryan Noik 20 March 2017

Anew: The Distant Light has reached its $30 000 Kickstarter goal and is set for release on PS4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch. FULL STORY >


Google is making its search algorithm better at spotting offensive results

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 16 March 2017

By using its human "quality raters". FULL STORY >


Prey dated, comes with pre-order bonus

By Ryan Noik 26 January 2017

Prey, the latest game coming out of Bethesda Softworks, has finally been dated. FULL STORY >


Samsung takes out full page ads to apologise for Galaxy Note 7 recall

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 8 November 2016

Taking out ads in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and Washington Post, Samsung apologises for the Galaxy Note 7's exploding batteries and the failed recall attempt. FULL STORY >


Opinion: Dell and EMC – another defining moment in the industry

By Ryan Noik 16 September 2016

There are certain defining and watershed moments in the life of technology, where the IT landscape is inexorably altered, from that point forward. The Dell-EMC merger may be yet another of these. FULL STORY >


Xbox One discounted until the end of the weekend

By Ryan Noik 17 June 2016

Prima Interactive has announced that there will be a substantial discount of R1 500 on Microsoft’s console till the 19th of June (Sunday). FULL STORY >


Facebook altering makeup of Trending Topics amid censorship reports

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 24 May 2016

Although not admitting to censoring stories in its Trending Topics feed, Facebook will introduce a number of changes to make the feed less bias in its news coverage. FULL STORY >


Batman: Return to Arkham remastered version confirmed

By Ryan Noik 20 May 2016

Here’s some good news for Batman fans: a remastered collection of Batman Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City, is indeed impending. FULL STORY >


Far Harbour now available for Fallout 4

By Ryan Noik 20 May 2016

The latest DLC for Fallout 4, Far Harbour, has just become available on the Xbox One, PS4, and PC. FULL STORY >


Facebook addresses reports that they censored trending topics

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 May 2016

Following allegations in a Gizmodo report yesterday, Facebook has addressed reports that the company actively suppressed conservative news stories in its trending section. FULL STORY >


LinkedIn reportedly working on Facebook-esque Instant Articles

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 6 May 2016

With sources close to the matter, BuzzFeed News is reporting that LinkedIn has been talking to publishers about creating its own Instant Articles feature like Facebook. FULL STORY >


Dell and EMC unveil Dell Technologies

By Ryan Noik 5 May 2016

Dell Inc. and EMC Corp. today revealed that upon the close of their pending transaction, the combined family of businesses will be called Dell Technologies. FULL STORY >


Gears of War 4 dated

By Ryan Noik 6 April 2016

The next entry in the Gears of War franchise has been dated. FULL STORY >

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