Sony slashes price of PS Plus membership for limited time

By Ryan Noik 28 June 2018

Not only have the forthcoming free games for July been announced, but Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe has also announced that players can buy three months membership of PS Plus at 25% off. FULL STORY >


Fortnite still raking in the players and the profits

By Ryan Noik 27 June 2018

Fortnite just might be a new generation’s World of Warcraft, with the game not just raking in the players, but raking in the cash as well. FULL STORY >


New LEGO The Incredibles trailer released

By Ryan Noik 20 April 2018

A new trailer of LEGO: The Incredibles game has been released, to give players a glimpse into what they can look forward to. FULL STORY >


New LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 DLC now available

By Ryan Noik 20 April 2018

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 is getting some Infinity War love, with a new character and level pack. FULL STORY >


Fake news: faster than the speed of truth

By Staff Writer 29 March 2018

We’ve all done it: we’ve seen a dramatic and outrageous tweet or Facebook post purporting to reveal what a minister has said, or giving news of a catastrophe of some kind and reposted or retweeted. Later, we’ve had to eat a little humble pie after... FULL STORY >


Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset addition revealed

By Ryan Noik 22 March 2018

If you too have neglected visiting the Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) for a while, then the impending new chapter, Summerset, may be the enticement needed to dive back into the Elder Scroll's rich world. FULL STORY >


Netflix said to be working on weekly news show

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 15 March 2018

The streaming platform is reportedly expanding its content to include a weekly news show. FULL STORY >


Google pulled 3.2 billion bad ads from the web last year

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 15 March 2018

The company's war on bad advertising saw them remove more than 3.2 billion ads from the web last year, nearly doubling what it managed in 2016. FULL STORY >


Wolfenstein II: The Deeds of Captain Wilkins now available

By Ryan Noik 14 March 2018

Wolfenstein II: The Deeds of Captain Wilkins, the latest piece of DLC in the Freedom Chronicles trilogy, is now available. FULL STORY >


The Witchwood expansion announced for Hearthstone

By Ryan Noik 14 March 2018

Digital card game Hearthstone is receiving a spooky expansion, called The Witchwood, next month. FULL STORY >


Nintendo unveils forthcoming new titles for Switch

By Ryan Noik 9 March 2018

There is an abundance of games coming for the Nintendo Switch in the months to come. Here are a few of the highlights. FULL STORY >


SKE to donate to Drought Relief Fund

By Ryan Noik 6 March 2018

Ster-Kinekor Entertainment (SKE) has pledged that R10 from every Pure Farming 2018 game sold will be donated to the Drought Relief Fund. FULL STORY >


PlayStation Plus gets a limited price slash

By Ryan Noik 6 March 2018

If you have been on the fence about buying a one year subscription to PlayStation Plus, then now may be a good time to take the leap. FULL STORY >


Two new DualShock 4’s dated for release

By Ryan Noik 2 February 2018

Two new Special Edition DualSHock 4 controllers have been detailed and there local release date has been confirmed. FULL STORY >


New cards released for The Elder Scrolls: Legends

By Ryan Noik 2 February 2018

A new set of promotional cards for The Elder Scrolls: Legends have been released for the mobile collectible card game (CCG). FULL STORY >

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