The Boring Company hits possible pay dirt with airport project

By Staff Writer 14 June 2018

The Boring Company has got its first big job lined up. Elon Musk’s tunnel digging venture has won the bid for a high speed express train to link Chicago to the city’s O’Hare Airport. FULL STORY >


Resident Evil 7: Biohazard launching on Nintendo Switch in Japan this week

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 21 May 2018

The survival horror title is coming to the Nintendo Switch, but is limited to Japan for now and will need an internet connection to play. FULL STORY >


Tesla being sued for $2 billion for patent infringement

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 2 May 2018

The electric car company is being sued by a hydrogen-powered truck startup. FULL STORY >


Bungie to detail Destiny 2's Warmind DLC later today

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 24 April 2018

The upcoming DLC is set to head back to Mars, with Bungie revealing all the details via a Twitch live stream at 19:00 (SAST) tonight. FULL STORY >


Sega announces Genesis Mini console to celebrate the Mega Drive

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 16 April 2018

The company is looking to get back into the console game, first releasing a 'classic edition' of the Mega Drive as it reaches its 30th Anniversary. FULL STORY >


Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset addition revealed

By Ryan Noik 22 March 2018

If you too have neglected visiting the Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) for a while, then the impending new chapter, Summerset, may be the enticement needed to dive back into the Elder Scroll's rich world. FULL STORY >


The Witchwood expansion announced for Hearthstone

By Ryan Noik 14 March 2018

Digital card game Hearthstone is receiving a spooky expansion, called The Witchwood, next month. FULL STORY >


Disney says Black Panther has passed $1 Billion in worldwide sales

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 12 March 2018

The breakthrough Marvel film has become a huge success, with Disney announcing that it has passed the $1 billion mark for sales worldwide. FULL STORY >


Nintendo releasing 5 CD Breath of the Wild soundtrack

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 5 March 2018

The upcoming soundtrack is a Japan exclusive though. FULL STORY >


Bungie details Destiny 2 development roadmap

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 22 February 2018

The developer outlines what the rest of Season 2 and part of Season 3 will have in store for gamers. FULL STORY >


Samsung said to be limiting OLED production for iPhone X devices

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 21 February 2018

According to reports, Samsung cites low iPhone X sales as the reason for the decision. FULL STORY >


Activision says Destiny 2 will get major expansion later this year

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 9 February 2018

The Destiny 2 publisher confirmed that at least one more major expansion is on the cards before the end of 2018. FULL STORY >


Black Panther

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 7 February 2018

Perhaps one of Marvel's most important movies to date, Black Panther needs to be great for a number of reasons. Thankfully it is. FULL STORY >


Boring Company's Flamethrower faces sales ban from Californian politician

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 30 January 2018

Elon Musk's plan to sell people fun flamethrowers may have hit a snag in California. FULL STORY >


Elon Musk shows The Boring Company's Flamethrower in action

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 29 January 2018

Musk takes to Instagram to show off his latest toy. FULL STORY >

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