Power lacing Nike MAG's from Back to the Future becoming reality in 2016
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 22 October 2015In case you forgot, yesterday was Back to the Future day. While we still don’t have ubiquitous hoverboards, Nike has brought its self lacing MAG shoes to life, with a 2016 expected release date. FULL STORY >

New Rise of the Tomb Raider video series debuts
By Ryan Noik 21 October 2015Leading up to the forthcoming Rise of the Tomb Raider, a new three part video series called Woman vs Wild has dropped. FULL STORY >

Desktops-as-a-Service market predicted to grow, according to latest Citrix research
By Press Release 21 October 2015Citrix has recently announced the 2015 Global DaaS Market Survey, a global survey of service providers who shared their insights on Desktops-as-a-Service (DaaS) market growth, technology adoption, business... FULL STORY >

The network is the security device
By Press Release 21 October 2015Today the true power of the computer comes from being connected, and with more devices connected, so power grows exponentially FULL STORY >

Agron boosts salesforce with mobile CRM from Sage Enterprise
By Press Release 20 October 2015Agron, one of the leading providers of fertilizer to South Africa’s agricultural sector, has implemented the Sage CRM solution from Sage Enterprise (formerly Sage ERP Africa) in an effort to improve its competitiveness and enhance... FULL STORY >

MTN Business now offers wholesale multi-tiered service offering to all
By Press Release 20 October 2015MTN Business has given further weight to its intentions of supporting open access fibre networks by announcing a multi-tier model that leverages off MTN’s fibre infrastructure and applies equally to enterprise end-users,... FULL STORY >

Payment security hits a new high as fraud levels ease
By Press Release 20 October 2015Card fraud statistics show a significant reduction in fraud likely due to the introduction of richer technology and payment solutions FULL STORY >

Brian K. Vaughan's Y: The Last Man set to be FX-developed TV series
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 16 October 2015One of the most popular comic book series of the past decade, Y: The Last Man is under development by US network FX as a potential TV series. FULL STORY >

Canon Series: Essential Equipment – Grant Atkinson
By Staff Writer 16 October 2015In the final part of his participation in our Canon Series, we asked wildlife photographer, Grant Atkinson to identify that one NB piece of gear that never leaves his camera bag. FULL STORY >

Canon Series: The favourite lens in my bag - Andy Lund
By Staff Writer 16 October 2015Andy Lund is the next pro photographer featuring in our Canon Series. First question – if he had to pick only one, what is his favourite lens to shoot with and why? FULL STORY >

SUSE and Huawei Cooperate to introduce new SAP HANA Appliance Solution
By Press Release 15 October 2015SUSE and Huawei are collaborating to include SUSE Linux Enterprise Server as the operating environment in Huawei’s new SAP HANA Appliance Solution FULL STORY >

Iconic Olympian Jesse Owens' story showcased in new Race biopic trailer
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 15 October 2015Paying homage to the story of one of the Olympics' greatest ever athletes, Race is a new biopic focusing on America's Jesse Owens and his journey to the 1936 Games. FULL STORY >

Fortinet complements Cisco application centric infrastructure with high-performance SDN security
By Press Release 14 October 2015Fortinet has announced the integration of the Fortinet FortiGate firewall solution into the Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) FULL STORY >

New M2 Coupe outed by BMW for 2016, the heir apparent to their M1
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 14 October 2015Building on the success of its M235i, BMW has unveiled a new M2 Coupe, packing 272 kW of power and destined for release in 2016. FULL STORY >

ESET launches Smart Security 9 and NOD32 Antivirus 9 in South Africa
By Staff Writer 14 October 2015ESET has announced the availability of its new security solutions for Windows home users: ESET Smart Security 9 and ESET NOD32 Antivirus 9. Both have a completely re-engineered user interface and ESET Smart Security 9 features... FULL STORY >
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