Canon Series: Essential Equipment - Mark Mansfield
By Staff Writer 7 October 2015After hearing about the new equipment that he has tried out, we asked aviation photographer, Mark Mansfield if there is a piece of gear that simply never leaves his camera bag. FULL STORY >
Kaspersky endpoint security for business is now available in AWS marketplace for desktop Apps
By Staff Writer 7 October 2015Kaspersky Lab has announced the availability of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business AWS Edition FULL STORY >
MobiWork joins forces with One Channel
By Staff Writer 6 October 2015MobiWork announced a strategic partnership with South Africa's fastest growing cloud ERP solutions providers, One Channel, to bring its leading mobile workforce management solutions to the African market FULL STORY >
Barclays Africa launches Rise, a global startup for financial services in the African community
By Staff Writer 5 October 2015Africa’s innovators and startups will have the ability to scale their ideas in new markets following the launch today of Rise, a physical and virtual global community that facilitates collaboration... FULL STORY >
Hisense enters Zambian market
By Staff Writer 5 October 2015World leading Chinese electronics manufacturer, Hisense, has officially entered Zambia FULL STORY >
Innovation Series: Innovation Technology - What’s out there?
By Staff Writer 5 October 2015Earlier in the Innovation Series, we discussed the importance of innovation technology. The article highlighted how organisations that employ the use of innovation technologies often financially out-perform their competitors who do... FULL STORY >
Just Cause 3’s world the biggest yet
By Ryan Noik 2 October 2015A new developer diary from the Just Cause 3 team takes a look at Medici, the game's setting, and just how large the open world title is going to be. FULL STORY >
Alien: Isolation sequel in jeopardy
By Ryan Noik 2 October 2015While Alien: Isolation was a terrific game, apparently the title didn’t do well enough to make a sequel to it a sure bet. FULL STORY >
Another Rise of the Tomb Raider trailer surfaces
By Ryan Noik 2 October 2015Yet more news and a new trailer for the forthcoming Rise of the Tomb Raider have come to light. FULL STORY >
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise milestones highlight first year as independent business
By Staff Writer 2 October 2015ALE International, operating under the brand Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, is commemorating its one year anniversary as an independent business by celebrating milestones around its corporate mission, strategic market... FULL STORY >
Thuthukani Technology Solutions' Mobile360 aims to deliver a holistic approach to EMM
By Staff Writer 1 October 2015Hinging off of IBM's EMM ecosystem, Thuthukani's new Mobile360 Mobile Device Management solution aims to provide a full range of services to better protect corporate data. FULL STORY >
Winter is coming, but a Games of Thrones movie is not
By Ryan Noik 1 October 2015Bad news Games of Thrones fans, rumours of a big screen movie being in the works have been slain by George R.R. Martin himself. FULL STORY >
LG introduces V-lineup with new V10, sporting two displays and selfie cams
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 1 October 2015The first in a new lineup of devices from LG, the new V10 features two screens stacked atop one another, two selfie cameras and a surprising lack of curves. FULL STORY >
Canon Series: The New Gear – Grant Atkinson
By Staff Writer 30 September 2015Grant Atkinson is not only one of the leading wildlife photographers in the country, but also an authority when it comes to new gear, with many reviews appearing on his site. TechSmart asked him about the best stuff that he recently played around... FULL STORY >
Self-service – how to manage your voice or data contract
By Staff Writer 30 September 2015All banks in South Africa have self-service facilities where customers can do their banking online and go into their accounts to check their balances and debit orders FULL STORY >
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