Following a password leak, Twitter has blocked millions of compromised accounts

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 June 2016

An estimated 32 million Twitter account passwords were leaked recently, prompting the company to block several million user accounts. FULL STORY >


Facebook believes new DeepText AI has near-human accuracy

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 2 June 2016

Facebook introduces its new DeepText AI platform, to better help users via its deep learning ability and near-human accuracy. FULL STORY >


Instagram introduces new business tools

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 1 June 2016

Including new business profiles, analytics and the ability to turn posts into ads, Instagram introduces an array of business tools. FULL STORY >


It's official, usernames and images not part of Twitter character count

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 25 May 2016

n an effort to increase user satisfaction on its social media platform, Twitter will no longer count usernames and images as part of its 140 character limit. FULL STORY >


Canon SA hails success of Disabled Golf Open

By Press Release 23 May 2016

Disabled golfers from around the world recently assembled at Zwartkop Country Club in Pretoria, South Africa for the prestigious Nedbank Disabled Golf Open. The event is organised annually by the South African Disabled Golf Association (SADGA) of... FULL STORY >


Twitter reportedly removing character count for links and images in Tweets

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 17 May 2016

Ever been foiled by Twitter's 14 character limit because of a link or photo? Well, the company could soon stop counting them as part of the character limit for Tweets. FULL STORY >


Instagram introduces new logo and streamlines look of UI

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 12 May 2016

The popular social media platform has just gone through a redesign, as Instagram introduces a new logo and UI. FULL STORY >


LinkedIn reportedly working on Facebook-esque Instant Articles

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 6 May 2016

With sources close to the matter, BuzzFeed News is reporting that LinkedIn has been talking to publishers about creating its own Instant Articles feature like Facebook. FULL STORY >


Periscope now lets users permanently save their videos

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 5 May 2016

Taking a play out of Facebook Live's playbook, Periscope now lets users save their videos by using #Save in the title description. FULL STORY >


10 LinkedIn tips to get you hired

By Staff Writer 29 April 2016

With a number of recruiters using LinkedIn profiles to decide if they're interested in you, Sage Talent Solutions' Heidi Duvenage offers 10 tips to improve your chances of getting hired. FULL STORY >


Sean Parker relaunches failed Airtime chatroom as live mobile app

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 22 April 2016

After failing to launch Airtime as a Chat Roulette-esque service, Sean Parker rebrands the chat room service as a live-sharing mobile app. FULL STORY >


iOS version of Snapchat now allows users to add moving emoji

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 20 April 2016

The go-to social media app of choice at the moment, Snapchat adds some new emoji features to keep users interested. FULL STORY >


Samsung debuts new social media platform, Waffle, at SXSW

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 16 March 2016

Developed by Samsung's experimental C-Lab, Waffle is the new social media platform that Samsung is currently beta testing. FULL STORY >


Oculus adds new social features to Gear VR

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 March 2016

Rolling out to all Samsung Gear VR headset owners, Oculus has detailed a new social feature that allows wearers to play games with one another and interact with Facebook content. FULL STORY >


Instagram to block links to Telegram and Snapchat in user profiles

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 4 March 2016

In a subtle change that may have gone unnoticed by some, Instagram has opted to block links to other apps like Telegram and Snapchat within user profiles. FULL STORY >

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