Slasher fans – Michael Myers returns in Halloween
By Staff Writer 6 September 2018It’s difficult to believe that classic slasher Halloween debuted 40 years ago this year. FULL STORY >

Final Predator trailer goes hardcore
By Staff Writer 3 September 201814 September is the date the new Predator movie is set to arrive in South Africa. FULL STORY >

Chance the Rapper’s horror comedy gets first trailer
By Staff Writer 24 August 2018Chance the Rapper is a man of many talents apparently. FULL STORY >

Emma Stone and Jonah Hill star in trailer for Netflix’s Maniac
By Staff Writer 8 August 2018Billed as a dark comedy web television miniseries, Maniac will be delivered as 30 minutes instalments. FULL STORY >

Nazi dinosaurs in trailer for Iron Sky 2
By Staff Writer 8 August 2018A vast conspiracy theory? Check. Washington D.C. destroyed by atomic bombs? Check. Spaceships? Check. Hitler on a dinosaur? Check, check, check. FULL STORY >

Venom second trailer entices even more
By Staff Writer 1 August 2018The more we see of Venom, the better it looks. FULL STORY >

Glass, the surprising superhero trilogy, gets a trailer
By Staff Writer 23 July 2018When M. Night Shyamalan debuted Unbreakable in 2000, who would have thought it would turn into a superhero trilogy? FULL STORY >

Godzilla: King of Monsters stomps in first trailer
By Staff Writer 23 July 2018If it’s kaiju you’re after, you’re certainly going to get it in Godzilla: King of Monsters. FULL STORY >

Aquaman breaks the waves with new trailer
By Staff Writer 23 July 2018Aquaman is the sixth installment in the DC Extended Universe movies, with this set so shed some light on the origin of the hardcore heir to the kingdom of Atlantis. FULL STORY >

Queen biopic gets full trailer
By Staff Writer 18 July 2018We’ve seen the teaser, now it’s time for the full trailer. The first one has dropped for Bohemian Rhapsody, the film that looks like it might just send all Queen fans into a fit of bliss. FULL STORY >

Spawn reboot gets Jeremy Renner alongside Jamie Foxx
By Staff Writer 16 July 2018Not many will remember the Spawn movie from 1997. FULL STORY >

RoboCop is returning, Blomkamp to direct
By Staff Writer 12 July 2018RoboCop is returning, and it’s South African/Canadian Neill Blomkamp tagged to direct. FULL STORY >

Nicolas Cage stars in crazy horror Mandy
By Staff Writer 2 July 2018We love Nicolas Cage and we love a good horror (now and then). Combine the two and you have what seems like fireworks. FULL STORY >

DC fans rejoice - DC Universe is coming
By Staff Writer 29 June 2018The DC Universe will be a paid-for subscription service that includes movies, comics and series. FULL STORY >

Full trailer for The Predator shows off massive new one
By Staff Writer 27 June 2018If we know something it's this – don't mess with the Yautja. FULL STORY >
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