Asus TaiChi
By Ryan Noik 20 December 2012Like the graceful martial art after which it is named, Asus' TaiChi is an alluring hybrid, that effortlessly and fluidly shifts from between a Windows 8 slate, to being a Windows 8 notebook. FULL STORY >

Samsung knocks Nokia as top mobile vendor 2012 - IHS iSuppli
By Hanleigh Daniels 19 December 2012IHS iSuppli forecasts that Samsung will be the top cellphone vendor for the 2012 year, relegating Nokia to second place. FULL STORY >

Malware in 2012 - Kaspersky Lab Security Bulletin released
By Staff Writer 14 December 2012Kaspersky Lab has released its annual Kaspersky Security Bulletin, which provides the overall malware and cyber-threat statistics for 2012. FULL STORY >

Samsung Series 5 Ultra NP 540U3C
By Ryan Noik 12 December 2012This solid and attractive touchscreen ultrabook has a lot going for it, including a superb build quality, beautiful design and some great performance. FULL STORY >

Asus VivoTab RT tablet
By Ryan Noik 11 December 2012Asus' VivoTab RT Windows-based tablet managed to win us over thanks to a beautiful screen, fine build and generally very good performance. FULL STORY >

Top 5 tablets of 2012
By Ryan Noik 10 December 2012In 2012 weve seen tablets screen resolution expand to stunning levels; smaller tablets with sublime performance; and a distinctive approach to edging out the competition with the 'write' stuff. Here is our pick for this yea'rs top 5 tablets. FULL STORY >

Top 5 smartphones of 2012
By Mike Joubert 10 December 2012In 2012 we saw the smartphone power shift from Apple to Korean tech-giant Samsung. Their Galaxy S3 received the amount of praise usually reserved for the latest iPhone. But the S3 wasn't the only trick up its sleeve... FULL STORY >

21 million ultrabooks to ship in 2012 - ABI Research
By Hanleigh Daniels 7 December 2012The latest research from ABI Research show that around 21 million ultrabooks will ship worldwide this year. FULL STORY >

Nokia Lumia 920
By Hanleigh Daniels 7 December 2012We find out if Nokia's new flagship device, the Windows Phone 8 running Lumia 920, is a match for HTC's Windows Phone 8X, the iPhone or any of its Android-powered competition. FULL STORY >

IDC - global mobile phone growth expected to drop to 1.4 percent in 2012
By Hanleigh Daniels 6 December 2012IDC forecasts minimal growth for the mobile phone market this year, in spite of the smartphone market segment slated for a glittering performance during the holiday season. FULL STORY >

Apple overtakes LG to become number 2 phone maker in US
By Hanleigh Daniels 3 December 2012Apple captures number 2 ranking spot in US OEM market for the first time. FULL STORY >

Microsoft passes 40 million mark in Windows 8 licences sold
By Hanleigh Daniels 28 November 2012Microsoft sells over 40 million Windows 8 licences so far and signs up more than 25 million Outlook.com users in around four months. FULL STORY >

HTC Windows Phone 8X
By Hanleigh Daniels 23 November 2012The smartphone review stork delivers our first Windows Phone 8 handset and its the signature device - HTCs Windows Phone 8X. Can it match its Android and iPhone rivals? FULL STORY >

Xmas shopping trends at DionWired
By Hanleigh Daniels 22 November 2012DionWired launches a themed digital wonderland shopping experience for Xmas called Imaginarium. FULL STORY >

Logitech launches peripherals for Windows 8
By Ryan Noik 21 November 2012Logitech has come to the peripheral party by announcing a new range of devices, specifically aimed at catering to the Windows 8 touch interface. FULL STORY >
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