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Alcatel Onetouch 2004C

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 15 March 2016


As simple a phone as you can find at the moment, the 2004C from Alcatel OneTouch's is a bit too niche for the mainstream public, but serves its purpose for its intended audience. FULL STORY >


Beer Review: Buffelsfontein Lewer-Olie

By Staff Writer 15 March 2016

This is a staunch one and if you like 'em strong, you'll love this Buffelsfontein Lewer-Olie. FULL STORY >


Beat Da Beat (PC)

By Johan Keyter 9 March 2016

Mixing the popular 'bullet hell' genre with smashing music is a well-known idea, but Beat Da Beat adds to this by introducing rhythm-based mechanics. FULL STORY >


Alcatel Onetouch Pixi 3 (4.5)

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 8 March 2016

With the entry-level smartphone market as competitive as ever in South Africa, the Alcatel Onetouch Pixi 3 (4.5) is slightly under-specced to be a real contender. FULL STORY >


Far Cry Primal (PS4)

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 2 March 2016

Heading back to the Stone Age to tell the story, Primal is as good a Far Cry game as we've come across yet. FULL STORY >


Acer Predator Z35 screen

By Ryan Noik 23 February 2016

If you are going to name your product a Predator, it better be a beast. The Z35 is just that. FULL STORY >


Sebastien Loeb Rally Evo (PS4)

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 9 February 2016

A rally driving game that shows promise, Sebastien Loeb Rally Evo unfortunately falls short of reaching the heights of its eponymous driver. FULL STORY >



By Robin-Leigh Chetty 8 February 2016

The merc with the mouth is back, this time portrayed as he rightfully should. Cramming in as much blood, violence and sex as is humanly possible, this is the Deadpool film we all deserve. FULL STORY >


BlackBerry PRIV

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 29 January 2016

The PRIV is BlackBerry's initial flagship for 2016. It's also an Android slider. Imbued with all the elements of a high-end smartphone, its only drawback remains its price. FULL STORY >


Microsoft Sculpt ergonomic desktop

By Ryan Noik 27 January 2016

Microsoft has certainly flirted with the concept of ergonomic desktops and split keyboards for quite some time, and the latest result of this dalliance is the Sculpt ergonomic keyboard and mouse. FULL STORY >


Skullcandy Smokin Buds 2 Wireless

By Mike Joubert 25 January 2016

Skullcandy’s Smokin Buds 2 Wireless ditches the wires for quite an impressive price – R900. FULL STORY >


Blackview BV2000

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 22 January 2016

At R1 900, the BV2000 from Blackview can tempt even the most savvy entry-level smartphone users. In spite of its plastic veneer, it delivers great value given its price tag. FULL STORY >


Review: Philips Series 7000 shaver (S7530/50)

By Mike Joubert 20 January 2016

For shaver manufacturers, a smooth shaving experience is high on the agenda. For Phillips it seems, so is a reduction in skin irritation, with the introduction of new microbead technology. FULL STORY >


Motorola Moto 360 (2nd Gen)

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 19 January 2016

Now in its second iteration, the Moto 360 from Motorola seems to have lost some of its character and now looks like any other Android Wear smartwatch. FULL STORY >


Xiaomi Mi 4

By Mike Joubert 18 January 2016

At the tail-end of last year, Chinese company Xiaomi entered the country. We review their top offering - the Mi 4. FULL STORY >


Beer Review: Agar's Brewery Tomahawk IPA

By Staff Writer 14 January 2016

It was with much excitement that I asked the brewer, Michael Agar, to pour me a pint of the Tomahawk IPA when he unveiled the first kegs at the Craft Fair in Joburg held in November. FULL STORY >

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