Safair reveals expansion plans, affirms low airfares here to stay

By Ryan Noik 16 July 2015

In another case of technology enabling and dovetailing with travel, low cost airline Safair revealed its plans, which should make more than a few travellers smile. FULL STORY >


Fantastic Four gets new trailer

By Staff Writer 15 July 2015

While talk about the Suicide Squad and Batman vs. Superman might have received most of the attention, there is another superhero movie inbound soon. The Fantastic Four is receiving a reboot, with the second trailer now revealed, coming straight from Comic-Con. FULL STORY >


Microsoft BizSpark Champions Tech Entrepreneurship in SA

By Staff Writer 14 July 2015

Microsoft, through its BizSpark programme, has now opened up a world of untapped opportunities for over 1600 South African start-ups, who have in turn created over 300 jobs. FULL STORY >


Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5 gets first trailer, crazy grinds

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 14 July 2015

Back from the brink, and rumoured for the longest time imaginable, now Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 gets detailed in new trailer with a crazy amount of grinding. FULL STORY >


Ash vs Evil Dead series gets a bloody trailer

By Staff Writer 14 July 2015

As the world is prepping for the return of the Evil Dead franchise, this time as a TV series, the big reveal comes from Comic-Con, where a trailer has been released for Ash vs Evil Dead. FULL STORY >


New Dawn of Justice trailer details plot, Batman and Superman showdown

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 13 July 2015

This year's San Diego Comic Con has played host to many a new movie trailer behind closed doors, but luckily Dawn of Justice was detailed online as well. FULL STORY >


Quick Review: Houdt iPad Air Blend Walnut cover

By Ryan Noik 10 July 2015

The Houdt iPad Air cover distinguishes itself by adding a wood blend to the cover. FULL STORY >


New Transformers: Devastation trailer is cell-shaded and awesome

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 July 2015

Fresh from San Diego Comic Con, Platinum Games releases a new gameplay trailer for Transformers: Devastation, in all its cell-shaded glory. FULL STORY >


Sage HR & Payroll tackles youth unemployment with work readiness programme

By Staff Writer 10 July 2015

Sage HR & Payroll’s work readiness programme helps Grade 10 to 12 scholars from underprivileged areas to prepare themselves for life after school. Some 45 youth - learners from Louis Botha Children's Home, Jafta... FULL STORY >


Hot New Trailers - Snowden

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 9 July 2015

Featuring one of our favourite actors, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Snowden is the highly anticipated biopic about the titular CIA employee, who broke the infamous info on the NSA's surveillance. FULL STORY >


Hot New Trailers - Goosebumps

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 9 July 2015

If you went to school in the 90s, some of your reading material was probably penned by R.L. Stine, as his Goosebumps books were a staple. Now a film has been made starring Jack Black. FULL STORY >


Hot New Trailers - Creed

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 9 July 2015

Before you start cringing over the thought of a new Rocky movie, this latest offering shifts focus away from the Italian Stallion and towards the son of Apollo Creed. FULL STORY >


Hot New Trailers - London has Fallen

By Staff Writer 9 July 2015

After Olympus (the White House) fell in 2013, it’s time for the British capital to get its share of the action in London has Fallen. FULL STORY >


Hot New Trailers - Steve Jobs

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 9 July 2015

After teasing the 2015-version of the Apple co-founder a couple months ago, now we get a better look at Michael Fassbender in the first official Steve Jobs trailer. FULL STORY >


Hot New Trailers - Sharknado 3

By Staff Writer 9 July 2015

They talk about flogging a dead horse, and we’re wondering if the Sharknado franchise isn’t trying to flog a rotten shark with number three. FULL STORY >

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