Latest trailer for Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation surfaces online
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 5 June 2015Yes Ethan Hawke is back at it again, this time round in the second trailer for Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation, set to show in July. FULL STORY >

Hot New Trailers - 4 June 2015
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 4 June 2015There's something for everybody this week, from new Pixar film The Good Dinosaur to Indie Horror We Are Still Here, all debuting trailers for your enjoyment. FULL STORY >

Andy Serkis pictured in CGI garb for Star Wars: The Force Awakens
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 29 May 2015A veteran of both CGI and epic films, Andy Serkis gets photographed in motion capture garb for role in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. FULL STORY >

5 Hot New Trailers: 28 May 2015
By Mike Joubert 28 May 2015A Point Break remake, a new Peter Pan, a cop car that goes missing and some Cold War chess all feature in this week's hottest new trailers. FULL STORY >

Hot New Trailers - 21 May 2015
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 21 May 2015The journey continues for Thomas and the Gladers in Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials, Peter Dinklage's epic mullet in Pixels and more for this week's Hot New Trailers. FULL STORY >

First look trailer released for Steve Jobs movie
By Staff Writer 18 May 2015A first look trailer for Danny Boyle's Steve Jobs has been released, but it might not offer as much as expected. FULL STORY >

Trailer - Sky Sharks
By Staff Writer 14 May 2015Forget Snakes on a Plane!, how about Sharks? FULL STORY >

Trailer - Supergirl
By Staff Writer 14 May 2015With The Flash, Arrow and now Daredevil doing just fine as TV series, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that more comic book characters are making their move to the small screen. FULL STORY >

Hot New Movie Trailers - 14 May 2015
By Staff Writer 14 May 2015With flying sharks, massive Grizzlies, Supergirl and Batman's butler all on the trailer menu, we recommend you sit down to start chomping. FULL STORY >

Two-part Avengers: Infinity Wars films to be shot using IMAX cameras
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 8 May 2015According to new reports, the Avengers: Infinity Wars will be shot using IMAX cameras. FULL STORY >

Hot New Trailers - 7 May 2015
By Mike Joubert 7 May 2015It's a hot one this week as we feature the new Magic Mike, Simon Pegg with superpowers in Absolutely Anything, double trouble in Legend and catastrophe in San Andreas. FULL STORY >

David Ayer offers first look at Suicide Squad lineup
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 4 May 2015Suicide Squad director David Ayer has been putting his Twitter account to good use of late, posting images of Jared Leto's Joker, and now his Suicide Squad lineup. FULL STORY >

New Jump Street Men in Black crossover plus female spinoff in works
By Staff Writer 30 April 2015Word is that Sony Pictures is set to expand the Jump Street universe even further, with not just a Men in Black crossover movie in the pipeline, but also a female driven spinoff title. FULL STORY >

Robotech movie linked to James Wan
By Staff Writer 30 April 2015Good news then for all the old fans of Robotech, since reports indicate a new live-action movie might just be in the works from Sony Pictures, with James Wan directing. FULL STORY >

Hitman: Agent 47 being turned into comic book
By Staff Writer 30 April 2015Hitman started off as a game, then evolved into a movie, and, if The Hollywood Reporter is to be believed, it will soon be turned into a comic book. FULL STORY >
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