South Africa’s crypto providers now caught in the licensing net

By Industry Contributor 26 May 2023

By Lerato Lamola-Oguntoye, Consultant & Analisa Ndebele, Associate, Webber Wentzel FULL STORY >


Toyota, Vodacom Business and Altron join forces to accelerate the connected car

By Ryan Noik 30 August 2019

Want to know what the next go-to connected device is? Look no further than your garage. At least, it will be if Toyota South Africa Motors (TSAM), Altron and Vodacom Business have their way. FULL STORY >


Nintendo makes Labo spare parts available via downloadable templates

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 23 April 2018

Now Nintendo is offering templates for Labo users who need replacement parts. FULL STORY >


Toyota robot shooting hoops, but not a star on court

By Staff Writer 16 March 2018

They might have our number at Go and Starcraft, but when it comes to basketball, LeBron and co. still have the upper hand over the robots. FULL STORY >


Hot Toys debuts life-size Infinity Gauntlet replica

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 5 March 2018

The latest offering from Hot Toys looks like the genuine article, but won’t give you the power of the Infinity Gauntlet unfortunately. FULL STORY >


Gammatek brings robotic Star Wars Stormtroopers by UBTECH to South Africa

By Press Release 20 November 2017

Interactive robot features voice command, facial recognition, sentry patrolling, and AR capabilities. FULL STORY >


Bandai releasing 20th Anniversary limited-edition Tamagotchi in the States

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 11 October 2017

20 years after the small virtual pets first made their appearance, a special limited-edition version is back to mark the occasion. FULL STORY >


rAge Expo 2016: Five things for non-gamers to do

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 4 October 2016

While gaming is a big part of rAge, there are still other things to geek out about. Here's five of them for non-gamers to enjoy this weekend. FULL STORY >


Toyota's Kirobo Mini robot companion goes on sale next year for $400

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 3 October 2016

File this one under cute gadgets to waste your money on. FULL STORY >


WIN one of two StikBot Zanimation Studios with TechSmart and Prima Toys

By Staff Writer 26 September 2016

Having arrived locally via Prima Toys, we have two StikBot Zanimation Studios to give away to our readers to get their stop-motion animating career up and running. FULL STORY >


Five of the best fan-made StikBot videos to date

By Staff Writer 20 September 2016

Hopefully serving as inspiration for your own original video, we went through StikBot Central's YouTube channel and selected five of the best fan-made ones to date. FULL STORY >


StikBot: An aspiring stop-motion animator's dream toy

By Staff Writer 7 September 2016

One of the more innovative toys for budding movie makers, to arrive in South Africa in quite some time, the StikBot can take your at-home projects to the next level. FULL STORY >


Mattel made a life-sized X-Wing car for Comic-Con

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 21 July 2016

With Comic-Con underway, Mattel has made its customary Hot Wheels car for the event. This year, they've taken inspiration from Star Wars for a life-sized X-Wing car. FULL STORY >


Star Wars fans invited to join global YouTube event for 'Force Friday'

By Staff Writer 26 August 2015

Star Wars is livestreaming a The Force Awakens toy unboxing from 3 September, as part of worldwide event, taking place over 18 hours in 12 countries. FULL STORY >


First few Star Wars: The Force Awakens Lego sets spotted

By Staff Writer 17 August 2015

It's not just the young at heart that have something to look forward to with Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens, as the first few themed Lego sets get spotted online. FULL STORY >

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