Sony to call quits on Vaio, Bravia

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 February 2014

Sony has decided to sell-off its Vaio PC and notebook division in a bid to stem major losses, along with a restructuring of its Bravia television division. FULL STORY >


Gigabyte P27

By Ryan Noik 4 February 2014

Last month Gigabyte’s P25 impressed, but the larger and even more powerful P27 is a gaming notebook that really takes the desktop replacement cake. FULL STORY >


Get Schooled: Top student choices

By Ryan Noik 31 January 2014

With many institutes of higher learning gearing to go, students looking for hot notebooks or hybrids have a number of hot options to choose from. FULL STORY >


The Facebook disease is fading

By Mike Joubert 23 January 2014

Researchers at Princeton University believe that Facebook is heading the same way as Myspace, going so far to declare that in 2017 the social network will only have 20% of its peak user base left. FULL STORY >


The dirty side of the quest for likes

By Johan Keyter 21 January 2014

Click farming is become a big problem, with companies creating and using fake accounts to increase Facebook likes, view YouTube videos, or re-tweet their clients’ every word. FULL STORY >


Gigabyte P25

By Ryan Noik 20 December 2013

Gigabyte's P25 gaming notebook boasts no holds barred performance in a svelte, sexy and head-turning chassis. FULL STORY >


TOP 3 Comics of 2013

By Staff Writer 3 December 2013

Fantasy buffs, the superhero set, and kids/grownup kids all have something to snack on in comic book guru, Moray Rhoda's Top 3 Comics of 2013 selection. FULL STORY >


Sony VAIO Fit 15A Multi-Flip ultrabook

By Ryan Noik 26 November 2013

Just when ultrabooks were beginning to seem scarce or stale, Sony’s latest VAIO Fit 15A flips itself on its head to impress. FULL STORY >


Google Play Books now available locally

By Ryan Noik 7 November 2013

Google has announced that its Play Books functionality is now available for South African users to purchase and read ebooks to their hearts content on Android and iOS devices. FULL STORY >


Win the beautiful and intelligent ATIV Book 9 Lite

By Staff Writer 28 October 2013

The Samsung ATIV Book 9 Lite features a 13.3-inch 1366 x 768 touch display and is powered by an AMD A6 quad-core chip offering 8.5 hours on a full charge. FULL STORY >


Apple unveils new MacBook Pro, launches Mac OS X Mavericks

By Hanleigh Daniels 23 October 2013

Apple announces its new MacBook Pro that boasts Intel’s latest Core i processors plus makes the newest edition of Mac OS X dubbed Mavericks available for download. FULL STORY >


Computing News in October

By Ryan Noik 21 October 2013

The past few weeks have been bustling with newness on the computing front, with new notebooks, a new operating system update and a promising discovery all making an appearance. FULL STORY >


Dell unveils new Inspiron notebooks

By Ryan Noik 8 October 2013

Dell has announced its new Inspiron 15 7000 and the Inspiron 11 3000 Series, which it claims as being its best Inspiron lineup to date. FULL STORY >


AfriGIS adds logbook functionality to navigation offerings

By Ryan Noik 30 September 2013

Technology innovation company AfriGIS has announced the launch of their integrated logbook functionality with their existing navigation tools. FULL STORY >


Computing news in September

By Ryan Noik 23 September 2013

While computing in general is undergoing a transition, there are still some familiar, new, and exciting developments in the arena this month nonetheless, from ultrabooks and OS upgrades to wearable computing. FULL STORY >

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