By Andrew Gould 3 September 2008Copernic Agent Basic (, queries leading search engines to return ?¡relevant, high quality results. FULL STORY >
Online Caroline
By Andrew Gould 3 September 2008The chances are high that you have a Facebook account and most of your ?Ç£friends??? aren???t really your actual friends, but if you feel you still need more online friends; why not get to know Caroline. FULL STORY >
Adventure outdoors then go tell the world
By Lance Terner 3 September 2008The word Blog is a contraction of ?Ç£web log???, so if we looked at an actual definition of the term then a Blog is a ??web-based log, or diary, of your thoughts, ideas, useful links, ??photos, videos, or the latest news. FULL STORY >
XDSL Family ADSL Packages
By Thomas McKinnon 3 September 2008The ease with which ?¡children can access x-rated content is ?¡startling. For this reason it is ?¡important that ISPs share the responsibility by offering packages that meet the ?¡connectivity needs of the ?¡average family while negating some of the content risks. FULL STORY >
Nike SportBand and Lunar Lites
By Thomas McKinnon 2 September 2008The ideal gadget to keep you ?¡motivated is the Nike+ ?¡SportBand. This clever little device fits a bit like a watch (a function it possesses) and when connected wirelessly to a sensor in your shoes will track your distance, speed and time. FULL STORY >
Opticam Sunglasses
By Andrew Gould 13 August 2008The Esquire Opticam sunglasses feature scratch-resistant UV400 polarised flip-up lenses in a wrap-around sportsman type frame. FULL STORY >
Wizcom SuperPen Scanner Professional
By Andrew Gould 7 August 2008The SuperPen instantly provides you with the definitions to over a quarter of a million words. All you do is scan over the word or phrase and the LCD display on the pen tells you what???s what on the definition front. FULL STORY >
Improving the best education tool in the world
By Lance Terner 6 August 2008The Internet is still easily the best, most incredible technological leveller, and anything from home projects to school projects to business ventures can be researched like never before. FULL STORY >
Moshi Monsters
By Andrew Gould 5 August 2008Moshi Monsters is ?¡different to many virtual pet programs and sites out ther, because it is a ?¡community of pets and the ?¡creators of the site say they want to produce a ÔÇ£ÔǪground breaking new entertainment ?¡experience that would be fun, safe and ?¡educational for kids of... FULL STORY >
By Andrew Gould 5 August 2008If you were offered 50GB of free online storage would you take it? FULL STORY >
By Andrew Gould 5 August 2008There are literally hundreds of translation websites and services on the web. FULL STORY >
By Andrew Gould 10 July 2008Probably the greatest April Fool???s joke of all time was the widely publicised hoax stating that Pluto will no longer be known as a Planet. FULL STORY >
By Andrew Gould 10 July 2008Confusion is rarely a pleasurable experience; in fact we spend most of our lives avoiding confusion. FULL STORY >
By Andrew Gould 10 July 2008News just in: ?Ç£South Africa has discovered its sense of humour, finally???. FULL STORY >
The WayBackMachine
By Andrew Gould 10 July 2008We are probably not much closer now, than we were 3000 years ago, at making a time machine. FULL STORY >
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