This section contains all the latest reviews from

The Last Of Us

By Ryan Noik 3 July 2013


The latest from Naughty Dog may differ wholly from the developer's acclaimed Uncharted franchise, but one similarity shines brightly: this too is a genre defining game in a class of its own. FULL STORY >


Monster NCredible N-Tune headphones

By Hanleigh Daniels 1 July 2013

The Monster lineup boasts a less costly headphone option in the Ncredible N-Tune, but does this headset still pack the premium sound users are used to from the audio company? FULL STORY >


Quick review - Sony Xperia Tablet Z

By Mike Joubert 1 July 2013

There's very little that Sony hasn't done right with the Tablet Z. It's a premium Android device that shows a commitment from Sony to being more than an also-ran in the tablet space. FULL STORY >


Quick Review - Remember Me

By Ryan Noik 28 June 2013

Is Remember Me a gem worth reminding yourself to pick up and play, or mostly a forgettable entry? FULL STORY >


Monster Inspiration headphones

By Hanleigh Daniels 28 June 2013

Monster takes on former audio partner Beats by Dr Dre's Executive headphones via its Inspiration over-the-ears headphones. FULL STORY >


Razer Carcharias Professional PC gaming headset

By Hanleigh Daniels 28 June 2013

The Carcharias headset forms part of Razer's professional gaming arsenal. Does it have enough feature bullets in the chamber to take out all other gaming headset rivals? FULL STORY >


Grid 2

By Hanleigh Daniels 24 June 2013

Grid 2 races onto the current-gen gaming platforms, looking to appeal to both arcade racers and racing simulator fans alike. FULL STORY >


Nokia Lumia 720

By Hanleigh Daniels 20 June 2013

It's tough being the middle child, but Nokia's midrange Lumia 720 aims to capture buyers affections via a good looking design and great camera tech. FULL STORY >


E3 2013 - The Top 5 games

By Ryan Noik 20 June 2013

This year's E3 brought two forthcoming next-gen consoles and a slew of tasty looking games to Los Angeles. Here are our top 5 gaming picks. FULL STORY >


After Earth

By Staff Writer 14 June 2013

After Earth is not the comeback M. Night Shyamalan is looking for, writes movie critic Spling. FULL STORY >


Star Trek Into Darkness

By Staff Writer 11 June 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness lives up to the hype. Spling reviews J.J. Abrams' latest. FULL STORY >


Logitech K810 Bluetooth illuminated keyboard

By Ryan Noik 6 June 2013

We find out whether Logitech's K810 Bluetooth illuminated keyboard is a worthy add-on to your tablet of choice. FULL STORY >


Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D

By Ryan Noik 28 May 2013

Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D swings and leaps from the Wii and lands on the 3DS. Is the port worth your time and money? FULL STORY >


Asus VivoTab Smart

By Ryan Noik 27 May 2013

At the moment, the pickings for a decent Windows 8 tablet aren't as abundant as many may hope. Can Asus' VivoTab Smart rectify that, and is this the tablet that Windows 8 users have been waiting for? FULL STORY >


Nokia Lumia 520

By Hanleigh Daniels 22 May 2013

Nokia aims to introduce the Windows Phone 8 smartphone experience to more users via its most affordable WP8 powered smartphone to date - the Lumia 520. FULL STORY >


Samsung Galaxy S4

By Hanleigh Daniels 14 May 2013

Samsung's Galaxy S3 was one of the best-selling smartphones of 2012, but how well does the full HD S4 perform under scrutiny? FULL STORY >

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