Sony details publishers and games for PlayStation Experience in December
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 23 October 2015A two-day long event held in San Francisco, California, PlayStation Experience previews all the top games from its publishers slated for release in the following months. FULL STORY >

Meet Adam Jensen 2.0 in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
By Ryan Noik 23 October 2015The newest trailer for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is certainly crammed full of details, and shows even more deadly Adam Jensen. FULL STORY >

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate gets a launch trailer
By Ryan Noik 23 October 2015The newest launch trailer for Assassin’s Creed Syndicate is here, and the themes it touches on are eerily relevant. FULL STORY >

Furi game unveiled with new trailer
By Ryan Noik 19 October 2015Joining the roster of tantalising forthcoming games, at least for PS4 and PC players, is the newly announced and extremely stylish Furi from The Game Bakers. FULL STORY >

Fallout 4 trailer answers wondering with wandering
By Ryan Noik 16 October 2015If like us, you have been wondering a lot about Fallout 4 of late (will it live up to the hype? Can it really be as good as we hope?) then the latest trailer may answer some of your questions. FULL STORY >

Dying Light DLC dated
By Ryan Noik 16 October 2015Dying Light is doing anything but playing dead, as the latest news is that the forthcoming DLC, The Following has been given a release window. FULL STORY >

New Ratchet and Clank movie trailer debuts
By Ryan Noik 16 October 2015A new trailer for the forthcoming Ratchet and Clank movie has been released, showing a fair amount of what viewers can expect. FULL STORY >

The Game Developers: Peter Cardwell-Gardner, Made With Monster Love
By Staff Writer 15 October 2015One of our lucky finds of the past rAge, was stumbling across a locally developed game called Cadence. Not a regular FPS or action title, Cadence is, well, different. We talked to the Monster-in-chief at indy game studio, Made... FULL STORY >

Iconic Olympian Jesse Owens' story showcased in new Race biopic trailer
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 15 October 2015Paying homage to the story of one of the Olympics' greatest ever athletes, Race is a new biopic focusing on America's Jesse Owens and his journey to the 1936 Games. FULL STORY >

Big Data: the game-changer in the business of sport
By Press Release 15 October 2015Across South Africa and the continent, sport has become far more than just a game: it’s big business. As savvy team owners have realized, technology can give them a vital edge - both on the field and off it FULL STORY >

Jason is back, in announcement trailer for Friday the 13th: The Game
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 14 October 2015Jason Voorhees is back, and he's using Kickstarter. Developers Gun Media, are working on a Friday the 13th game that takes us back to Camp Crystal Lake. FULL STORY >

Destiny's The Taken King will bring 18 new emotes to its gameplay
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 13 October 2015Who says Guardians can't have a bit of fun? Not Destiny's developers Bungie, as they will bring 18 new emotes for gamers to enjoy in The Taken King expansion. FULL STORY >

New Halo 5 gameplay launch trailer hunts for the truth
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 13 October 2015With Halo 5: Guardians' release date only a couple of weeks away, a new gameplay trailer has been unveiled, pitting Locke against Master Chief in the hunt for the truth. FULL STORY >

Mobile Games worth your time – Dust: An Elysian Tail
By Ryan Noik 12 October 2015Here’s another gem to cast your eye on - Dust: An Elysian Tail has just made the jump from console to mobile. FULL STORY >

rAge Expo 2015: 5 Things to Do if you are NOT a Gamer
By Staff Writer 9 October 2015The annual rAge Expo might have its crosshair firmly set on gaming, but that doesn’t mean that’s all there is to do. Apart from the hardware and big titles on display, there are a number of exhibitors that should keep you entertained if... FULL STORY >
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