Cisco expands partnership with NVIDIA

By Staff Writer 7 March 2025

Cisco has announced plans for an expanded partnership with NVIDIA to provide AI technology solutions to enterprises. FULL STORY >


Nvidia GTC sees rise in African developers

By Staff Writer 12 November 2021

Registrations from across Africa tripled from GTC Spring 2021. FULL STORY >


Nvidia debuts Jetson Xavier computer and Isaac platform to power autonomous machines

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 4 June 2018

Unveiled at Computex 2018, Nvidia's plans for powering autonomous machines took one further step with the introduction of its Isaac platform and Jetson Xavier GPU. FULL STORY >


Nvidia debuts Xavier SoC platform for self-driving cars

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 8 January 2018

The powerful new platform is capable of processing up to 30 trillion operations per second. FULL STORY >


The Titan V is Nvidia's most powerful PC GPU to date

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 8 December 2017

The latest GPU from Nvidia promises to turn a user's PC into an AI supercomputer, but will cost $2 999 to do so. FULL STORY >


Nvidia debuts Star Wars-themed Titan Xp graphics cards

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 8 November 2017

Are you for the Jedi Order or Galactic Empire? A new pair of Star Wars-themed GPUs from Nvidia will now let you choose between the light and dark side. FULL STORY >


The best (and worst) of April Fools' Day 2017

By Staff Writer 3 April 2017

Often a hit and miss affair, this year's April Fools' had a few noteworthy pranks. FULL STORY >


Nvidia and Audi partnering to build an AI car by 2020

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 5 January 2017

Delving deeper into AI for cars, Nvidia announced plans to partner with carmaker Audi to build a road-going vehicle by 2020. FULL STORY >


Parker is Nvidia's latest SoC for self-driving cars

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 24 August 2016

Initially shown at CES this year, Nvidia details its System on Chip (SoC) offering for autonomous vehicles, named Parker. FULL STORY >


Nvidia unveils three new GeForce 10-Series notebook GPUs

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 16 August 2016

Designed to help bring Virtual Reality to notebooks, Nvidia unveils its new GeForce 10-Series lineup of GPUs: the GTX 1080, GTC 1070 and GTX 1060. FULL STORY >


Nvidia christens new 2016 Titan X GPU as 'biggest ever built'

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 22 July 2016

Continuing its release of new GPUs this month, Nvidia unveils its top new top of the line Titan X for $1 200 on 2 August. FULL STORY >


Nvidia unveils new mid-range GTX 1060 GPU

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 8 July 2016

With a view of challenging AMD's recently announced Radeon RX480, Nvidia unveils the GTX 1060 for gamers in need of a solid mid-range GPU. FULL STORY >


Nvidia unveils its autonomous Drive PX 2 for the upcoming Roborace series

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 6 April 2016

With the inaugural Roborace series set to start this year, tech company Nvidia has showcased its entrant for the autonomous races - the Drive PX 2. FULL STORY >


Acer IFA 2015 - Taiwanese manufacturer showcases home and office lineup

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 2 September 2015

Aiming to ride the crest of the wave that is Windows 10, Acer showcases a cross-platform lineup that touches on every point of tech in the home and office. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Roundup - The Odds and Ends Edition

By Staff Writer 25 July 2014

This week's gaming news has a little something for everyone as Nvidia reveals its Shield Gaming Tablet, Humble Bundle announces tempting Square Enix gaming bundles and Entwined ports to PS3 and PS Vita. FULL STORY >

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