World of Warcraft teaser trailer revealed

By Staff Writer 4 November 2015

With the poster having recently been revealed, our first indication of how the movie has turned out lies in a new 16 second teaser trailer for Warcraft. FULL STORY >


Jared Leto's Joker branded a 'Psycho Killer' for limited edition Empire cover

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 27 October 2015

Garnering mixed reactions and generating plenty of origin rumours, Jared Leto's Joker will no doubt be the main attraction for Suicide Squad. For now, he covers Empire magazine. FULL STORY >


Power lacing Nike MAG's from Back to the Future becoming reality in 2016

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 22 October 2015

In case you forgot, yesterday was Back to the Future day. While we still don’t have ubiquitous hoverboards, Nike has brought its self lacing MAG shoes to life, with a 2016 expected release date. FULL STORY >


New Force Awakens trailer leaves us pondering who new Jedi will be

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 20 October 2015

True to their word, Disney released the third trailer for December-slated Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens, as it seems to point to Finn being the new generation of Jedi. FULL STORY >


Batman's Dawn of Justice costume and Batmobile coming to Arkham Knight

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 19 October 2015

Joining West, Keaton and Bale, now Ben Affleck's Batman costume and Batmobile are coming to Arkham Knight in November. FULL STORY >


Star Wars: The Force Awakens poster revealed, with new trailer on the way

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 19 October 2015

As anticipation builds for The Force Awakens' theatrical release, a new poster is revealed, ahead of the third trailer for the film. FULL STORY >


New Ratchet and Clank movie trailer debuts

By Ryan Noik 16 October 2015

A new trailer for the forthcoming Ratchet and Clank movie has been released, showing a fair amount of what viewers can expect. FULL STORY >


Godzilla and King Kong to share the screen by 2020

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 15 October 2015

Box office draws all their own, Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. has now stated that Godzilla and King Kong will receive new films, culminating in a face-off in 2020. FULL STORY >


Iconic Olympian Jesse Owens' story showcased in new Race biopic trailer

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 15 October 2015

Paying homage to the story of one of the Olympics' greatest ever athletes, Race is a new biopic focusing on America's Jesse Owens and his journey to the 1936 Games. FULL STORY >


Hasbro says that four Transformers movies on the way over next decade

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 5 October 2015

Optimus Prime, the Autobots and perhaps Michael Bay have another four more Transformers movies in the works, spanning over the next decade. FULL STORY >


Winter is coming, but a Games of Thrones movie is not

By Ryan Noik 1 October 2015

Bad news Games of Thrones fans, rumours of a big screen movie being in the works have been slain by George R.R. Martin himself. FULL STORY >


Make your own Peanuts character for free

By Staff Writer 22 September 2015

The Peanuts Movie is due for a 3D release and to up the hype the creators are allowing you to do something quite amazing – Peanutize yourself. FULL STORY >


Hot New Trailers - The Last Witch Hunter

By Staff Writer 21 September 2015

The latest trailer for Vin Diesel’s The Last Witch Hunter certainly looks the best yet. FULL STORY >


The Mist to receive TV series treatment

By Ryan Noik 18 September 2015

Do you remember The Mist, a 2007 horror movie based on the Stephen King book? If not, we can definitely recommend trying to find it. Those who are fans of the movie will be happy to learn that it has been confirmed that The Mist will now be turned into a... FULL STORY >


New Steve Jobs trailer shows a man with a lot on his plate

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 18 September 2015

The Michael Fassbender-driven biopic of Apple's Steve Jobs has debuted a new trailer, as the co-founder gets pulled in all directions. FULL STORY >

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