Walt Disney Company Africa reveals its line up

By Ryan Noik 28 November 2012

The return of several favourite TV shows and several Marvel-based movies are amongst the line-up that local audiences can look forward to. FULL STORY >


Apple iOS Apps of the month - November 2012

By Ryan Noik 12 November 2012

You'll never come close to going through all the apps in Apple's App Store. TechSmart finds the best free apps that the App Store has to offer. FULL STORY >


The Avengers

By Mike Joubert 26 April 2012

There's been a lot of hype about the new Avengers movie. We're happy to report that, for once, it's all justified. FULL STORY >


2012 - a must watch movie list

By Staff Writer 6 February 2012

This year promises to be a good one if you're thinking of spending lots of time in front of the big screen, especially if you are, like us, a bit of a comic book geek. Here are five of 2012's must-see movies. FULL STORY >


Top 5 movie vehicles

By Ryan Noik 18 January 2012

Movies have blessed us with a number of alternative means of transportation we would dearly love to get our hands on. Here are a few we lust after. FULL STORY >


Jean Louis Acafrao, DStv on Demand

By Mike Joubert 16 August 2011

TechSmart talks to Jean Louis Acafrao, general manager for DStv on Demand, about BoxOffice and their upcoming online offering. FULL STORY >


HP tech brings Kung Fu Panda 2 to life

By Staff Writer 1 June 2011

HP and DreamWorks Animation SKG, Inc. have united once again to create the studios action-packed 3D film Kung Fu Panda 2 FULL STORY >


Top ten most pirated movies this week

By Tom Manners 21 October 2010

Torrent Freak posts this week's most pirated movies FULL STORY >


Oblivion movie may be in the works

By Johan Keyter 10 September 2010

Popular fantasy role playing game, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion may be getting a movie version according to patents filed by Zenimax Media. FULL STORY >


Most Downloaded Movies this week

By Tom Manners 24 August 2010

Which movies are most popular over Torrent portals this week? FULL STORY >



By Thomas McKinnon 7 January 2009

Moviestorm is a complete animated movie-making package for PC and Mac and itÔÇÖs free. FULL STORY >

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