Robert Downey Jr in new short movies for HTC One M9

By Staff Writer 20 March 2015

What do you get if you mix Robert Downey Jr with HTC's new One M9 smartphone? Click to find out. FULL STORY >


Avengers: Age of Ultron TV spots begin cropping up online

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 20 March 2015

Oh man, the 24th of April cannot come any quicker. Thankfully Marvel has debuted a few TV spots for Avengers: Age of Ultron to tide us over till then. FULL STORY >


Hot new trailers - 19 March 2015

By Staff Writer 19 March 2015

From an alien invasion using computer games, through to spies, possession, exorcism and the original Alien, our hot new trailers for the week has it all. FULL STORY >


Behind the scenes of Fast & Furious 7 plane drop stunt

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 16 March 2015

Hitting local cinemas on April 1st, here's a behind the scenes look at that insane plane drop stunt from Fast & Furious 7. FULL STORY >


How to have a fearsome Friday the 13th

By Ryan Noik 13 March 2015

Here's one way to have a particularly spine-tingling Friday the 13th evening and weekend - turn the lights off and indulge in one or more of these great movies and/or games. FULL STORY >


Hot New Trailers - 12 March 2015

By Ryan Noik 12 March 2015

All the hottest trailers, including the new Game of Thrones, sci-fi blockbuster Tomorrowland and Pixar’s charming Inside Out. FULL STORY >


Zoolander and Hansel walk runway at Valentino Show

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 11 March 2015

The two most awesome male models in history graced Paris Fashion Week attendees with their presence, taking taking the stage of Valentino's Fall/Winter Show and having a walk-off. FULL STORY >


Top 5 (recent) SA Films

By Spling 5 March 2015

South Africa is quickly developing as a film-making nation. To see just how far we’ve come along, movie fundi Spling picks his recent Top 5 SA movies. FULL STORY >


Whiplash short film from 2013 surfaces online

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 4 March 2015

Watch Oscar winner J.K Simmons repeatedly slap an aspiring jazz drummer in the short film that inspired one of 2015's best movies to date. FULL STORY >


Hot New Trailers - 26 Feb 2015

By Staff Writer 26 February 2015

The latest trailers for your viewing pleasure, including Frozen Fever, The Gunman, Love & Mercy and Hot Pursuit. FULL STORY >


Wonder Woman may claim her own trilogy

By Ryan Noik 25 February 2015

Finally, Wonder Woman will be receiving some screen time love, as filming on the first Wonder Woman movie is set to begin this year. FULL STORY >


Kingsman: Secret Service review

By Ryan Noik 5 February 2015

It’s not often that a spy movie these days genuinely surprises, but Kingsman: Secret Service is a fun, witty and genuinely enjoyable escapist romp that should have both James Bond and Jason Bourne watching their back. FULL STORY >


New Movie Releases: February 2015

By Spling 4 February 2015

What’s worth catching at the movies during Feb? Movie critic Spling provides a few suggestions. FULL STORY >


Top 5 Buddy Movies

By Spling 3 February 2015

Seeing that February is all about loooooove, we don’t want to forget those special bromances captured on celluloid. Movie connoisseur Spling goes searching for love, but not in that way. FULL STORY >


Most Iconic Cars in Film

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 18 December 2014

With the new Aston Martin DB10 being debuted for the upcoming Bond-film, Spectre, what better to do than to find the five most iconic cars in film history. FULL STORY >

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