Hot New Trailers - 29 April 2015

By Staff Writer 29 April 2015

Ted 2, Mad Max, Attack on Titan, a new M. Night Shyamalan and three other trailers feature in our Hot New Trailers for the week. Enjoy! FULL STORY >


Avengers: Age of Ultron

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 23 April 2015

Movie escapism at its finest, the latest superhero mash-up from Marvel might just have too much action for its own good, as it sets the stage for a far larger universe. FULL STORY >


Hot New Trailers - 23 April 2015

By Staff Writer 23 April 2015

Seven of the latest trailers for your watching pleasure, including the first Batman v Superman, a new one for Jurassic World and sci-fi horror Infini. FULL STORY >


New Fantastic Four trailer puts powers on display

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 20 April 2015

While the first Fantastic Four trailer was dark and ominous, this new one sheds some light on the reboot's storyline, Fantastic Four's powers and Dr Doom. FULL STORY >


Hot New Trailers - 16 April 2015

By Staff Writer 16 April 2015

A small bit of Batman v. Superman, a pinch of Mad Max, a spattering of Studio Ghibli, and five other herbs and spices make up our Hot New Trailers this week. FULL STORY >


Q&A: Grant Waterston, Waterston Entertainment, MovieRide FX

By Staff Writer 16 April 2015

In the pursuit of local talent using technology in innovative ways, we got in touch with Grant Waterston of Waterston Entertainment to discuss their interactive media app - MovieRide FX. FULL STORY >


First official Ant-Man trailer leaps online

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 14 April 2015

Paul Rudd's turn as funny man turned superhero for Ant-Man is drawing closer, and suitably, the first trailer for Ant-Man has made its way online showing what a miniature hero can do. FULL STORY >


Jared Leto teases new photo as Joker for Suicide Squad

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 April 2015

With filming on DC's Suicide Squad well underway, Jared Leto teases fans with an image inspired by Alan Moore's The Killing Joke Batman cover. FULL STORY >


Hot New Trailers - 9 April 2015

By Staff Writer 9 April 2015

Eight of the hottest new trailers, including Zach Galifianakis' Masterminds, the final Age of Ultron and the tearjerker Me and Earl and the Dying Girl. FULL STORY >


Tron 3 film to feature Legacy cast and director

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 8 April 2015

According to reports, the original cast and director from Tron:Legacy are all on board to enter the grid for the upcoming Tron 3 movie. Hopefully Daft Punk make a return as well. FULL STORY >


Hot New Trailers - 2 April 2015

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 2 April 2015

To see you through the Easter weekend, a slew of hot new trailers have debuted, including Southpaw and Mad Max: Fury Road. FULL STORY >


Ava from Ex Machina now PA on LinkedIn

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 1 April 2015

A cleverly planned publicity stunt or perhaps a glimpse into the future? The alluring humanoid AI, Ava from Ex Machina, has popped up on LinkedIn as a Personal Assistant. FULL STORY >


Metal Gear Solid live-action film signs on first writer

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 1 April 2015

While the gaming world waits for Snake to return in The Phantom Pain, Hollywood has different plans, as the first writer for the live-action MGS film is added. FULL STORY >


Hot New Trailers - 26 March 2015

By Staff Writer 26 March 2015

Cruise returns to Mission Impossible, Cameos aplenty in the new Entourage trailer and the whimsical looking What Lives Within in this week's hottest new trailers. FULL STORY >


Tron Lightcycle replica going for $40K

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 25 March 2015

It's not not quite the same as riding the grid, but this lightcycle replica from 2010's Tron: Legacy is close to the real thing as you're probably gonna get. FULL STORY >

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